making living amends during addiction recovery

The steps ensure that those in recovery feel supported, safe, and secure in making the next step to freedom from addiction. If you’re not yet in recovery, help for active addiction is available. Overcoming a substance use disorder can be a long, sometimes frustrating process, but making the decision to break heroin addiction the cycle is an important first step.

making living amends during addiction recovery

Renewal Center for Ongoing Recovery

As long as we right the ship and stay on the path of virtue, we do right by those who care about us the most. Remember, the primary goal of making amends is not to seek forgiveness or reconciliation, although that may happen. It’s about taking responsibility for your actions and demonstrating your commitment to personal growth and change. This process is about you making things right from your side, regardless of how the other person responds. Sometimes, trying to make things right can cause others distress.

making living amends during addiction recovery

The Power of Forgiveness in Step 9 of NA

While there is no one set “script” for this process, there are a few key points that you should be sure to incorporate. Work with your sponsor, treatment center, and 12-Step group to determine which parts of this are right for you. There are as many ways recovery can lead a person to change their behavior with regard to sex as there are individuals. When we hurt others, and when we no longer use drugs or behaviors to numb our emotions, we might feel the kind of remorse and self-recrimination expressed in the first theme above.

What Step in AA Is Making Amends?

Instead, the issue is whether or not we are willing to make these amends in the first place. If you are going through a 12-step program, you’ll notice that honesty, accountability and acceptance are overarching themes. It may be self-evident why these are so challenging for people in recovery, who have become so accustomed to hiding the truth about their behavior – even from themselves.

making living amends during addiction recovery

It can’t living amends definition just be an “I’m sorry, let’s forget about this” kind of deal. A critical component of Step 9 of NA is the potential for forgiveness. While it’s challenging to admit that you caused someone else pain, you must keep moving forward and concentrate on the things you have the power to change, not what you can’t. Ideally, after an honest assessment of how you harmed someone, you’d have a chance to make direct amends to them and actively work to fix the damage.

Closure and Healing for Others:

This is particularly true if you’ve been out of contact or have reason to question whether it is appropriate to make your desired amends. Someone liked enough by mere contact with you may be best served by no additional contact. The complexity of individual situations is why consulting with sponsors and professionals can assist greatly in your recovery process. There are also circumstances where there is no “black or white” answer as to whether a direct amends would be appropriate. If you stole from your current employer to support your drinking or drug use, making a direct amends could place your job in jeopardy and, in turn, threaten the well-being of your family. This is an example where the support of a sponsor, the recovery community and a higher power would be beneficial to help determine the proper course of action.

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